
Setting Direction
This is the process of ensuring that the entire organization takes innovation seriously.
Setting direction for innovation ensures that the entire organization understands why it is imperative to innovate, especially now.
It helps create a shared vision of the disruptive future, the multitude of opportunities and possibilities it presents and the direction of the efforts.

Scenario Planning
Scenario planning helps organizations identify possible future scenarios and the innovation requirements that are necessary.
Scenario planning ensures that key forces driving future changes are understood and a distinct number of alternate future (scenarios) are developed.
This helps organizations to break the illusion of a certain future and be prepared to manage future disruptions.
Three Horizon Strategy
How do you prepare to deal with the needs of current and future business today? The answer is using 3 horizon strategy
Goals, vision, strategy and the roadmap for initiatives that are focused on the current core business, adjacent growth areas and the drivers of future growth are systematically planned using the 3 horizon strategy.
Innovation needs and strategy clearly are defined in this approach.

Innovation Diagnostic
The strongest case for innovation is made out by an expert assessment of the organization’s innovation needs, ambition, and capabilities.
We use InnoSurvey®, an assessment tool used by over 5000 organizations in 105+ countries. It is the world's largest database of innovation practices and allows the organization to benchmark their innovation capabilities.
A data-based assessment of innovation capabilities is the best way to motivate the organization to innovate.